When you have an auto accident and it was not your fault, you have every right to try to recoup all your losses. That includes asking for payment of wages you lost because you could not work due to the accident or the resulting injuries.
The other driver is liable not only for causing the crash but also for the damages you suffer as a result. You will have two chances to ask for lost wage payments when settling the claim.
Future earnings loss
You can ask for general damages in your claim. This agreement will cover wages you will lose in the future. You would seek this type of settlement when you have a serious injury that will take you out of work for quite some time. In figuring out the award amount, the judge will have to consider your past work earnings and your medical condition. You will receive a payment for what the judge assesses to be the wages you will lose until you completely heal.
Current earnings loss
You also can request payment for the wages you have already lost as a result of the accident. These are special damages. This request should cover all the time you have been off of work due to the accident. The judge will look at the actual records showing the time off work and your medical records that verify you were unable to work.
When someone else causes an accident where you suffer an injury that takes you away from work, you have every right to seek compensation for the money you lost. After all, it was not your fault that you were unable to earn a living.