After a collision on your motorcycle, you may still be able to walk away from the fall you endured and not immediately notice any issues beyond a headache. In the days after a hit to your head or spine, you may notice your mind and body change but not know why. This kind of head […]
Traumatic Brain Injury Rehab Clinics in New Jersey
When the brain is damaged by a blow to the head or body, it is known as a traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBI can range from mild to severe. The least severe type, which just momentarily affects the brain, is a concussion. A more severe TBI may result in long-term problems or even death. Common […]
Signs Of A Concussion After A Car Accident In New Jersey
Concussions are commonly dismissed as simple bumps to the head that will go away on their own. However, these traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can interfere with a person’s work, social life, and day-to-day activities. Under New Jersey personal injury law, even a mild TBI may be compensable if it was caused by someone else’s negligence, […]
What Happens If You Hit Your Head in a Car Accident?
Motor vehicle accidents frequently cause head and brain injuries. Thanks to the protection provided by the skull, most of the time these injuries are treatable. But if the injury is more severe, it may result in a traumatic brain injury, or TBI. If you’ve been in a car accident, you may have suffered a head […]
What Should You Do if You Have a Concussion from a Car Accident?
Car accident victims unaware of their injuries often try to “walk it off” as they would for a bruise or a scrape, but a concussion can have serious and lasting effects on cognitive function. If you’ve recently suffered through a car accident, you may have a concussion and not even know it. New Jersey individuals […]
What are symptoms of a TBI?
If you’ve been involved in a serious automobile or truck accident, you may be feeling some symptoms and you’re curious whether or not you may have a concussion or what we call TBI, traumatic brain injury. Some of the signs that you want to look first are the following. Did you lose consciousness at all […]