Motorcycle riding embodies freedom and exhilaration, but it also carries inherent risks. According to Statista, New Jersey has 159,602 registered motorcycle drivers. Understanding the top factors that contribute to motorcycle accidents helps you stay safe on the road. 1. Lack of protective gear One factor in motorcycle accidents is the absence or inadequate use of […]
Keys to safe winter riding
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, fatal motorcycle accidents increased 25.6% from 2020 to 2021 in New Jersey. Safe riding requires knowing how to handle all weather conditions. Anyone who wants to continue using their motorcycle all year must learn how to ride safely in winter weather conditions. Riding in colder weather requires careful […]
Use greater caution when riding a motorcycle at night
Motorcycle enthusiasts cherish the thrill of cruising the road at any hour, but riding at night comes with heightened danger. Every journey after sundown needs to be as safe as possible. Understanding what increases the peril of nighttime outings should be mandatory for all hog aficionados. Limited visibility Darkness reduces a rider’s ability to see […]
Risks for Motorcyclists in Fall
According to the National Safety Council, 14% of motor vehicle accident deaths were motorcyclists in 2021. As the vibrant colors of autumn paint the landscape and the air turns crisp, many motorcyclists find the allure of fall riding irresistible. However, with the changing season, come unique risks that riders must be aware of to stay safe […]
Left-hand turns a leading cause of motorcycle fatalities
Left-hand turns might seem like routine maneuvers for New Jersey drivers. However, they pose significant dangers and can be deadly for motorcyclists. Increased awareness and adherence to road safety principles can go a long way in terms of preventing left-hand-turn accidents and saving lives. Limited visibility Drivers making left-hand turns have limited visibility, and this […]
How can you determine if a motorcycle helmet is unsafe?
Ensuring the safety of motorcyclists is important, and a key element in this is the reliability of protective gear, particularly helmets. Recognizing an unsafe helmet is important for riders seeking to mitigate risks on the open road. Following a checklist of factors while choosing this helmet is one way to achieve this goal. Certification standards […]
Can riding with a passenger increase your crash risk?
Operating a motorcycle requires practice and experience. Not taking adequate time to learn about your bike could interfere with your confidence and jeopardize your safety. Adding a passenger to your ride can also increase your crash risk if you are not careful. Knowing some strategies for riding safely despite the added weight can make a […]
Accident prevention as a novice motorcyclist
If you recently started riding a motorcycle or plan on picking up this hobby in the future, it is pivotal to make road safety a top priority. While riding, you will encounter many different hazards and could find yourself involved in an accident. On your motorcycle, the impact of a crash could prove especially devastating. […]
Age and fatal motorcycle collisions
Whether you recently started riding a motorcycle at a younger age or you are a biker with decades of experience, it is crucial to pay close attention to the different risks that you face on the road. While riding, you face the risk of serious injuries and even death if an accident occurs, and it […]
Is a headache after a motorcycle crash a sign of a bigger issue?
After a collision on your motorcycle, you may still be able to walk away from the fall you endured and not immediately notice any issues beyond a headache. In the days after a hit to your head or spine, you may notice your mind and body change but not know why. This kind of head […]