When you are in an auto accident, your insurer or the other party’s insurer will assess the damage to your vehicle. If you are lucky, it will be minor and easy to fix. However, if your vehicle has substantial damage, it is possible the insurer will decide not to repair it. When this happens, they […]
New Law Allows NJ Residents To Sue Their Car Insurance Company For Bad Faith
Many car insurance providers frequently dispute auto accident claims and put the recovery process on hold, sometimes for years. The injured party would be forced to spend time pursuing their claim during this delay and would also be denied any possible financial reimbursement for their injury. In New Jersey, drivers now have the option of […]
Guide to Geico Bodily Injury Claims in New Jersey
As one of the largest auto insurance providers in the US, GEICO insures 28 million vehicles nationwide as of 2021. If you’re involved in a car accident, there’s a good chance that you, the other driver, or both of you have a GEICO policy. What should you do if you’re injured in an auto accident […]
Misconceptions of “full coverage”
When people come to see me after an automobile accident, one of the common misconceptions is that they have full coverage. They assume that because they have, “Full coverage” on their automobile policy, that there’s no issue about who’s going to pay for their medical bills or anything to do with compensation for what they’ve […]