Left-hand turns might seem like routine maneuvers for New Jersey drivers. However, they pose significant dangers and can be deadly for motorcyclists. Increased awareness and adherence to road safety principles can go a long way in terms of preventing left-hand-turn accidents and saving lives. Limited visibility Drivers making left-hand turns have limited visibility, and this […]
How can you determine if a motorcycle helmet is unsafe?
Ensuring the safety of motorcyclists is important, and a key element in this is the reliability of protective gear, particularly helmets. Recognizing an unsafe helmet is important for riders seeking to mitigate risks on the open road. Following a checklist of factors while choosing this helmet is one way to achieve this goal. Certification standards […]
Is wrongful death considered a personal injury?
According to United States Courts, personal injury cases surged 150% in 2021, and this number continues to grow. When one thinks about personal injuries, the image that often comes to mind is that of accidents causing physical harm or emotional distress to an individual. However, there exists a specific category within personal injury law that […]
How can comparative fault apply to truck accidents?
A collision with a commercial truck can inflict significant damage to your car along with serious injuries. As with many other states, New Jersey has legal principles that determine how much compensation you could receive after a truck accident. An important concept that comes into play is the comparative fault rule. This standard determines how […]
What are some signs of a possible road rage driver?
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, the road can sometimes become a stage for intense emotions and aggressive behaviors. Understanding the signs of a potential road rage driver is crucial for ensuring road safety and avoiding conflicts. By recognizing these signs, you can better navigate the roads and maintain a secure driving environment […]
Drug use an ongoing problem among commercial truckers
Commercial truck drivers across New Jersey and the rest of the nation play an important role in the U.S. economy. However, the responsibility they bear comes with a significant burden: the need to stay alert on the road at all times. Research shows that some truck drivers turn to drugs, legal or otherwise, to cope […]
What are some kinds of debris that can cause a crash?
Drivers may often encounter various obstacles and hazards, and among these, debris is a common problem that can result in car crashes. These scattered materials, originating from both natural and human-made sources, are a threat to road safety. Being aware of the kinds of debris that can cause a crash is important for all drivers. […]
Can riding with a passenger increase your crash risk?
Operating a motorcycle requires practice and experience. Not taking adequate time to learn about your bike could interfere with your confidence and jeopardize your safety. Adding a passenger to your ride can also increase your crash risk if you are not careful. Knowing some strategies for riding safely despite the added weight can make a […]
High speeds and motor vehicle collisions
When drivers fail to follow the speed limit, they increase the likelihood of an accident significantly. Furthermore, accidents involving high speeds can prove especially devastating, and victims could suffer debilitating injuries or lose their lives. Speeding keeps occurring on U.S. roads for countless reasons, but nothing excuses this reckless behavior. It is important for drivers […]
Accident prevention as a novice motorcyclist
If you recently started riding a motorcycle or plan on picking up this hobby in the future, it is pivotal to make road safety a top priority. While riding, you will encounter many different hazards and could find yourself involved in an accident. On your motorcycle, the impact of a crash could prove especially devastating. […]